Frequently Asked Questions

Sara & John are friends

They Visiting a Dermatologist who has advertised having a picolase, Sara has been concerned about Dark brown patches on her cheeks and LIPS and endless visits to Skin practitioners have not shown any major improvements. At the age of 35 she has already tried different lasers, Chemical peels and skin whitening products. Doctors have diagnosed her skin condition as Melasma which is a deep pigmentation caused by fluctuating hormones.


The before and after pictures on your advertisement were impressive, As you see, I have similar brown patches on my cheeks and lips, Although other lasers and Chemical peels have not worked for me, Will I see any difference with your Laser and what is new in this Pico Technology??  


 Your condition is called Melasma which is caused due to Hormonal changes and has a high recurrence rate. Any Laser, PEELS or Products you use might work temporarily and if there are any hormonal changes you might get pigmentation again. However, Picolase is a game changing technological breakthrough.


How is it Different than other Machines, even though they might look similar? 


OK I want you to look at these pictures, Consider the Apple like your Pigment and see the difference between two Shots, The First SHOT is older technology The Second SHOT is Picolase.


So the Difference is POWER ?


Yes picolase is 9 times stronger than older technology, and because of that this Machine breaks down the Pigments in first few sessions . So if it took 12 sessions in previous technologies, you may just need 4-6 sessions with picolase. 


Will it be Painful? 


Most of the patients feel slight stinging sensation but since we use a potent numbing cream that’s very comfortable.  


Why you use Different Hand pieces ?


Picolase is only system that uses Dual Fractional technology , which ensures the Pico power disintegrates pigments and superficial and deeper layers of skin.


Will that help?


Yes it will prevent recurrence and will also give visible difference from first few sessions itself


What are the chances of recurrence?


With picolase chances of recurrence are very low because the power delivers photo-acoustic effect on pigment, which changes it at cellular level, diminishing the chances of recurrence even after hormonal changes.


Any precautions I must take during and after treatment?


Always use SPF 30 or more, avoid direct sun exposure


How many sessions will I need and how fast can I start seeing results?


Mostly people see lightening after first session itself, We generally Do 1 session over an interval of 1 to 2 weeks and you may need up to 4-9 sessions depending on the concern. In your case 6 sessions will be enough.

John has a multi color dragon tattoo on his arms, he is 21 and wants to join the Army but his application has been rejected and he must get rid of this artwork before he can apply again.  


How many sessions will I need to get rid of this tattoo ?


There is a lot of ink there , Every session picolase will crush that INK and tattoo should get lighter over 3-4 weeks, older technologies would have taken at least 10 sessions for this, However we should expect around 6 strong sessions with picolase.


Will It Hurt ?


I am sure it pained when you made this, Don’t worry I’ll be putting an aesthetic cream to minimize the pain. You might see some pin point bleeding too, but it’s normal, we will apply some anti-septic cream on it.


Will it disappear completely ?


It’s very difficult to disappear completely , even though we remove 95 % of it , still there might be slight shade. However if it was a tattoo with less INK like , Just a name or Eye Brow, then it may disappear completely.


Any post Care required ?


I will prescribe you healing cream after the procedure. The Results of SAARA and JOHN met their expectations and Sara got used to getting compliments for her clear skin where as John Joined the army.